Warranty Details

The goods sold by the Seller are products of recognized manufacturers sold under their respective brand or trade names in accordance with their terms and conditions.  Seller shall use its best efforts to obtain from each manufacturer, in accordance with the manufacturer's warranty (copies) of which will be furnished upon request or customary practice, the repair or replacement of goods that may prove defective in material or workmanship.  The foregoing shall constitute the exclusive remedy of Buyer and the sole obligation of Seller.  Except as to title, SELLER GIVES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR OTHERWISE.  Seller shall not, under any circumstances be liable for any special direct, indirect, incidental, exemplary, or consequential damages to persons or property arising out of or connected with the transactions contemplated hereby or the manufacture, subsequent sale or use of the goods, including, but not limited to, loss of profit or revenues, loss of use of the products or any associated equipment, cost of capital, cost of substitute products, facilities, service or replacement power, down time, costs or claims of Buyer's customer for such damages.  If Buyer transfers title to, or leases the products sold hereunder to any third party, Buyer shall indemnify and defend Seller and its suppliers against any such damages.